Book Collecting, Part-Time Writer Reveals The Article Writing Strategy That Took Him From From Zero To His First Income (of $600) In Just One Month.

And All For Writing Just ONE 400-Word Report About A Topic He Knew NOTHING About!

A quick message from…

Note: This information is equally relevant to reports, PLR, articles…. in fact anything you are able to write or  re-write.

I’ve been writing stuff for quite a while now and seen many articles published on many “top drawer” publications and directories such as and 

In spite of their stringent rules for quality they still seem to let a great deal (of what I can only describe as garbage*) slip though their net!

I’m only guessing but I reckon that many of their thousands of contributors have been through the same process of investing in “how-to” products for article writing as I have. As products go, there are a few gems, but they’re the exception rather than the normal and all left me more knowledgeable but still dissatisfied.

There was still something lacking

*I should clarify that what I mean by garbage, is poorly written stuff. As far as I am concerned, a few typos and the odd piece of poor grammar or spelling does NOT constitute bad content, IF the content gets the Author’s point across. 

I Imagine You’ve Purchased How-To Ghostwriting or Writing Products In The Past But Failed To Earn Any Money From Them

Not a problem, we all have, and it’s usually because we’ve bought duff material that’s out of date, from marketers who sell “bling” that they’ve never actually been able to achieve any true success from themselves.

Does The Following Sound Familiar To You:

“Become a member of this fully established Ghostwriting community membership- it will provide you with all you’ll ever want to become an expert Ghostwriter in native English (the language of the overwhelming majority of the Internet). Become an expert in writing content for any niche, email campaigns, sales pages, blogging, Ezines”

Wow, you couldn’t ask for more, right?

Nah, not this side of Hell freezing over…

Here’s The Thing – That Kind Of Advice Will NOT Work In The Marketplace Today!

Why not? Because it is simply regurgitated. People try to make it work without any forethought about how or why it will or won’t work.

And anyone who sees it will see right through you!

Often it is created by so-called writers who either don’t actually do much writing themselves (they outsource it) or don’t sell any.

There Comes a Moment When An Alternative Approach Is Needed

I cut my online marketing teeth earning money from Ghostwriting it was quite a while ago now; I gained an understanding of what does and doesn’t work, what people will or won’t buy.

I know what mistakes 99% of Writers and Ghostwriters make.

The principle I teach is the exact same principle that brought me Ghostwriting success, and more than that, writing content for my own website.

I reached the point of declining more than I was accepting!

All It Takes Is For you To Make Small Change In The Way You Learn To Write Content Or Articles

What might surprise you is that starting to make a profit rather than a loss from your article writing is remarkably easy

You just need to make a couple of small but fundamental changes to the way you work and learn.

And because just about everyone else out there is playing the game by the same ‘old rules’, you’ll find you gain a natural advantage.

Here’s What You Will Not Need To Do:

No more investment into pricey Ghostwriting products! By all means invest in a couple of good ones (I’ll show you where) that will complement what you’ll learn with me.

No more investing in pricey freelancers, although it’s okay if your future workload becomes overwhelming, BUT you can do it from a point of being in control so that’s for another reason and perfectly within context of this novel way of learning to write articles 😉

How To Be More Confident When You Invest In Selected PLR Products To Rewrite

When you invest in quality PLR you’ll have learned how to make it your own and completely unrecognizable from the original.

People slag off PLR but that’s because they either haven’t been successful with it, or just don’t know how to rewrite it properly.

I’ll show you how to learn from PLR, then you’ll quickly see how you can use it for writing future articles.

Here’s Just A Taster Of What’s Inside

  • How a simple pencil and paper can help improve your skills (Page 3)
  • Why NOT to stick with what you’re good at (Page 4)
  • The prime ingedients for Ghostwriting success (Page 6)
  • Why chasing perfection will stall or even kill your progress (Page 10)
  • 2 crucial factors for writing (Page 11)
  • How to move towards writing your own content (Page 13)
  • Don’t know what to write about? Not a problem (Page 15)
  • How to begin writing about niche specifics – (page 16)
  • How to use PLR to advantage
  • The exact process you need to go through to make you feel comfortable with writing
  • Is it time to outsource? You get what you pay for (Page 21)
  • Warrior Special Offers – why a load of responses is NOT necessarily a good thing! (Page 23)
  • How to develop distinct styles (Page 29)
  • Where can all this lead you? (Page 30)

Today… Just $27 !

Precisely What Is On Offer?

You’ll get a full-background, to-the-point PDF publication, in which I share and divulge everything I learned and put into practice.

I give the reasons and go through processes that led to my idea, and then get into the meat and potatoes of how I applied them.

There are no loose theories here; it is all material that I used to become a ghostwriter.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Click here to see what clients have said

(I cannot vouch for the links, they were valid at the time of writing)

This is information that you can put into practice as you learn it, and in no time, with diligent application you can be on your way to earning as a Ghostwriter

Why Am I Sharing This?

Simple… I consider myself lucky to be in the situation I’m in and with the life I have – which is simple, but debt and hassle free.

So it’s about giving something in return and offering a helping hand, a leg-up, to others who are dead keen on writing, but are just missing that one element that can elevate them to a standard of Ghostwriting that will leave 99% of the rest… well, standing still I guess.

I know you can benefit from what I have to share.

How Would It Make you FEEL To Make That Change You’ve Been Craving For So Long?

How would it make you feel to be able to live the life you choose, living by your own set of rules?

In other words… FREEDOM

So here’s the bottom line…

I’m a writer, blogger, and Internet marketer and earn money by showing others how to “duplicate“ the skillsets I have acquired over the years.

And every day I can feel the satisfaction and fulfullment from controlling a simply but effective business I can call my very own

These skillsets have made it possible to create freedom for myself – And it’s available to you too.

Thing is, I can’t guarantee your success (no one can) with this, or ANY other methods because ONLY YOU can do the work that’s required – I’m not your mum – but I can promise you that by the end of this PDF you WILL have something concrete to act on, if that’s your choice.


And the choice is yours alone.

See you on the inside…

Today… Just $27 !

My personal email is:

Copyright © 2017 Indey Marketing

Susanpeters Publishing Limited, Claremont House, 1 Market Square, Bicester, Oxon. OX26 6AA. UK